Is it possible to rescue malik

Basically like an early poster said, take out the heavies first. Then the robot. All I had were a bunch of energy bars and pacifist type weapons, I did have a combat rifle and a machine pistol for bosses only, you have to be quick.

I find its best to use the stun gun whenever possible, and use takedown when you can't reload. Just be sure of where the bad guys fall who rae near the robot, and you'll be ok. Last edited by Tyrion ; 19 Jul, pm. A stun gun or takedown will also work when you're close, but the revolver is better when you're still closing.

Have an EMP grenade or mine for the Boxguard. An obvious point, but it is easier on lower difficulty settings as I think you get more time. I've not managed it on 'Deus Ex' level yet. I've done it on normal level, but kind of regretted doing it afterwards as it felt like I had cheated!!

I did it in lethal mode and I had stocked up on energy bars and maxed out invisibility. I just took out a couple of snipers to start with, then went invisible and ran round taking out the ground men and bot, before tidying up a sniper I had missed. But like I say, I didn't feel any real sense of satisfaction doing it that way.

Whether you want to take the sniper out or take out the other guy first and then take out both snipers is up to you, but with the snipers slow rate of fire they're not much of a threat. Mr Smooth Mr Smooth This strategy worked for me, with the caveat that, on Deus Ex mode, the heavies took 3 tranqs to the head each to take down, which took waaaay too much time.

Instead, I ran immediately to the right, took out the first guy, ate an energy bar, cloaked, and took out both heavies with a stun-gun which only took one hit each - without cloaking, they shot at me and I died immediately.

What about the bot, though? You are going to need max level cloak, tranquilizer rifle, EMP grenade and a lot of CyberBoost bars Immediately cloak and run directly at the heavies and knock them out. After this, focus on the combat rifle guys on the ground. When the robot comes out, EMP it. If anyone dies from the resulting self destruct, it does NOT break pacifist behavior. When the guys on the ground and the robot are KO'd, you can let cloak expire.

Quickly use your tranquizer rifle to stun the snipers on the upper level. Ben Ben 1 1 silver badge 2 2 bronze badges. Pwopa Grrl Pwopa Grrl 1 1 silver badge 2 2 bronze badges. For this, you'll need: bars fully upgraded Typhoon augmentation jump augmentation invisible augmentation not really required, but nice when you get shot a. Mr Jensen Mr Jensen 31 1 1 bronze badge. I dont think you even need a cloak.

I ran around and tasered everyone. I have the 9ft jump enhancement so all i did was jump and taser. Doug Doug 21 1 1 bronze badge.

Fly Boy Fly Boy 11 1 1 bronze badge. Hector J Hector J 11 1 1 bronze badge. Shadur 14k 7 7 gold badges 54 54 silver badges 77 77 bronze badges. Generalthebes Generalthebes 11 1 1 bronze badge.

Grannymojo Grannymojo 11 1 1 bronze badge. Nigajin Nigajin 1. It's actually pretty easy to do when not on pacifist. Take out the last of the men, including the two snipers on the third floors. As soon as they are all dead, Malik flys away :. Lee Lee 1 1 1 bronze badge. Sign up or log in Sign up using Google.

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Is Pritchard in mankind divided? After that, horses were not exciting enough for her, and she decided to be a commercial pilot.

Malik considered the planes too cumbersome and chose helicopters instead. She enjoyed the company of her co-pilot and best friend, Evelyn Carmichael. One day, the two were assigned to what turned out to be a smuggling operation supervised by Belltower commander Narhari Kahn. In the turmoil, Malik discovered that the cargo were stasis pods with live humans, and witnessed Kahn executing one of the victims, a kidnapped Isolay employee who refused to submit to his new "employers".

Parting with Evelyn, Malik fled - only to be shot down by Belltower drones on Kahn's orders. Malik survived, found a Sarif Industries business card in her wing-suit and arranged to leave her old life behind. She is in charge of transport and delivery of Sarif Industries VIPs for any trips that require air transport. She is noted as a dedicated employee and pilot with sometimes overzealous flight tendencies that have proven her to be among the best in the skies.

She has a few discreet cranial implants that enable her to be a better pilot. No charges were filed against Faridah and she was issued a verbal warning from Human Resources. As Sarif Industries' chief pilot, Faridah flies Adam Jensen between places and provides him with intel through Jensen's infolink.


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